C "Hello World" Program

In this example, you will learn to print "Hello World" on the screen in C programming.

Hello World Programm

Now we are going to explain this Programm.

#include <stdio.h> & #include <conio.h>  = Header files , it is compulsory to make programms.
void main()    = Function.
Symbol ( ; )   = This symbol is known as Terminate & it is use close the program in line.
Symbol ( { and } )   = It use to tell the starting & ending point of the programm.
printf("  ");  = It is use to print the text on the screen.
getch();  = It is compulsory to type at the end of programms because it is use to hold the screen at the output.
/**   **/   = It is use to give comments in programm.

Header Files

header file is important to type in programms because programm cannot run without header files


It is useful when we need to explain the programm because programming not add comments in programm when we start comment type this (/*) & when you close it then type this (*/).

Printf Function

It is help to print text on the screen in Programms.

Output of the Programm

Output of Programm